Arthur L. Bernstein Biography

Above all else, Arthur L. Bernstein is a man of many trades.

He is an award winning filmmaker, a reputable director and producer with several years of experience in the entertainment industry and is also a business developer and life insurance and employee benefits analyst at Richard S. Bernstein and Associates, Inc. located in City of Palm Beach.

Our latest Movie

Executive Producer and Writer for Walt Before Mickey

Our latest Projects

Executive Producer and Writer for Walt Before Mickey

Film Production

Etiam a laoreet justo, laoreet blandit arcu. Vestibulum lacinia, lacus vitae dignissim tempor mi tellus.

Film Production

Etiam a laoreet justo, laoreet blandit arcu. Vestibulum lacinia, lacus vitae dignissim tempor mi tellus.

Film Production

Etiam a laoreet justo, laoreet blandit arcu. Vestibulum lacinia, lacus vitae dignissim tempor mi tellus.

Recent Movie

Executive Producer and Writer for Walt Before Mickey

Glavrida Nulla Travel Promo Video

Lorem ipsum dolor rutrum 2014/2015

Lorem Ipsum Travel Promo Video

Amet varius mollis rutrum 2016/2017

Featured Films

The Brawler Trailer & Poster

Zach McGowan plays Chuck Wepner – the real life boxer who helped inspire Rocky Balboa – in the trailer and poster for The Brawler

Zach McGowan plays

It’s hard to imagine why anyone felt that boxer Chuck Wepner deserved yet another big screen biopic.

Italy + Venice

The true story of underdog boxer, Chuck Wepner, who gets a shot to fight the champ, Muhammed Ali.

Frat house horror in ‘Pledge

Like many movies about the college caste system, the gross-out horror picture “Pledge” draws more inspiration from ’70s and ’80s “snobs vs.

The Brawler Trailer & Poster

Zach McGowan plays Chuck Wepner – the real life boxer who helped inspire Rocky Balboa – in the trailer and poster for The Brawler

Zach McGowan plays

It’s hard to imagine why anyone felt that boxer Chuck Wepner deserved yet another big screen biopic.

Italy + Venice

The true story of underdog boxer, Chuck Wepner, who gets a shot to fight the champ, Muhammed Ali.

Frat house horror in ‘Pledge

Like many movies about the college caste system, the gross-out horror picture “Pledge” draws more inspiration from ’70s and ’80s “snobs vs.


Arthur L. Bernstein is a man of many trades. He is an award-winning filmmaker,


1551 Forum Place #300A, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 18.30

Arthur L. Bernstein is a man of many trades. He is an award-winning filmmaker,

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